Dedicated Sports Shooting Status – How To Get It

Dedicated Sports Shooting Status - How To Obtain It -

If you’re an avid sports shooter in South Africa, you may want to elevate your shooting experience by obtaining your dedicated status. This special status not only allows you to legally possess firearms for sporting purposes, but also opens up opportunities to participate in competitive shooting events. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to obtain your dedicated sports shooting status in South Africa.


  • Have the required SAPS Competency
  • Hold a firearm license
  • Own a firearm and be competent in shooting it

How To Apply For Dedicated Status:

Join a Recognized Shooting Federation or Organisation:
The first and most crucial step is to become a member of an accredited shooting federation or organisation. Joining a federation allows you to participate in sport shooting activities and provides you with access to experienced shooters who can guide you through the process.
Our #1 accredited federation is SA Sport & Hunting Federation. They have branches in 7 of the 9 provinces, and have monthly club shoots with their members.

Apply for Dedicated Sports Shooting Status Through Your Chosen Federation:
You will be required to write an exam and partake in a practical shoot. Each federation is different, but the exam generally consists of either multiple choice questions, or questions with yes or no answers. You’ll also need to become a competent shooter. You will need to shoot a target score of at least 60% to pass the practical test. Once you’ve passed the written and practical tests, you’ll obtain your dedicated status.

Maintain Your Status:
Once you’ve obtained your dedicated status, it’s essential to stay active in your shooting federation, participate in competitions, and adhere to all firearms regulations to maintain your status. Each federation has a different set of criteria for maintaining your dedicated status. Be sure to familiarise yourself with your chosen federations regulations.

Let Us help You With Your Firearm Application

We offer a comprehensive range of services to assist you in obtaining your firearms license. If you’re looking to apply for a Firearms license in South Africa, GUNLINK are specialists in this process. We help you to compile your application, along with your motivation, and ensure that you have all the correct documentation for your submission to SAPS.

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